Saturday 16 June 2007

Dalai Lama in Sydney

Yesterday we were very lucky to get the chance to listen to the Dalai Lama.
It was a rainy day, and we had volunteered to help collect donations. Apparently the renting of the Domain (a park next to the Sydney Botanical Gardens), furnishing it and providing security, costs about $800,000/day. The total cost of the tour was about $4M, and although the tour was not for profit, the organizers were running at a big loss.
Anyway, while the Dalai Lama spoke it hardly rained, and we enjoyed and learned from it.

The talk was about compassion and lasted about 45min. He described compassion from the Buddhist, the Theistic (focusing on Christian) and the common sense perspective. I would not try to explain here what he said, but I found interesting that he brought together the ideas of Interrelatedness (the Buddhist perspective), with God's love and our need to get closer to him by loving others (the theistic perspective) and the idea that good feelings bring good health and therefore our own happiness (common sense/ scientific)

After the talk he answered 4-5 questions, read to him by the host.
When asked 'What is the meaning of live' he said 'the most direct answer would be, I don't know' and then he went on explaining how it was difficult question and that the purpose of live is happiness.

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