Thursday, 19 July 2007

new term, some new students

The 3rd term of the year started yesterday (in Australia they have 4 terms). Three students joined the group, all of them in year 6. They said that other students had recommended the Buddhist scripture clas, but although I always like a compliment, I think it was because they wanted to be with some of other kids.

We had a relatively good session, although one of the new girls was quite restless, and at some point disrespectful. I had to report her to the Principal... gopefully that will help.

I brought two images. One of a sitting Buddha I got in a trip to Korea. According to Bhante it is a Boddhisatva and is sitting on a chair because its getting ready to rush to the help of people (when you are in a lotus or half lotus position it takes some time to disentangle).

I tried reading another story written by Dorian (The wind and the sun) but run out of time. I will have to do it next week.

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