Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Great experience - although not many parents

Regrettably not many families were able to come to the temple. I think part of the reason was me getting wrong the dates the temple could receive visitors. My first letter was incorrect, and only when I was in Europe I learned that I had to change it. Although I faxed the School they were not able to tell all parents about the new date... I sent a new letter again when I came back, on the last week, but by then the mistake had been made...
I apologize for the inconvenience this caused.
I also had to apologize to the monks and nuns, since I prepared a nice curry but forgot to *not* use onions or garlic. My mom and the guest liked it though.

Venerable Rong gave a very nice lecture in the main hall. She combined the type of factual information that is interesting for adults with that interesting for kids. We did not get to sit, but this is probably to short a visit for that.

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